The Middlesex Agility Club is based out of London, Ontario. We are a group of dog-lovers who enjoy doing something fun and different with our dogs and have gotten hooked on the sport of agility. We have over 55 two-legged members and 80 four-legged members.
We host several sanctioned AAC agility trials throughout the year and perform several demonstrations in the spring and summer. We also host seminars, fun matches, and more.
Membership is open. Please see our membership page for requirements and contact info.
Our Mission
Demonstrate, educate, and introduce the wonderful and varied world of agility and related dog sports in a welcoming and inclusive environment
Our Home

Middlesex Agility Club is very fortunate to call Tepla Farms home. Located in London, ON, it is a beautiful facility which boasts an impressive 80 by just over 200 ft indoor arena with superior silica sand and elastic footing, great for both humans and animals to run on. There is ample space for indoor crating and a human-only, climate controlled lounge – a perfect spot for handlers to socialize between runs. This is a non smoking facility and grounds.

If anyone would like to view the facility, please contact us at to ask for a tour. Tepla Farms is a privately owned arena and they also run a business, please respect their privacy and stick to our given times to enjoy the property!